With summer well and truly dwindling, it maybe seems a little late to be releasing a track called 'Summer's Too Hot'... but what the hey, like it really matters anyway. Especially when
Robot Richard's back on track with his signature vocal.
I was intending it to be a two/three parter, with a remix tonic and a separate track 'Hot Tub', but time has escaped me yet again. I'm not in the habit of rushing something out because the season suits. All in good time and all that.
Anyway, 'Summer's Too Hot (feat. Robot Richard)' is out on SoundCloud from tomorrow.
In other news, the zines that I've been loosely working on for the last month or so are very slowly, but very surly coming together. I now have two or three finished, albeit in a very hap-dash manner. I'll start rolling them out in a few weeks, mainly because I'd just like to get a few in the bag before I start reeling them out. All zines will be upload here in PDF form and will be free to download, print and fold up yourself. But if that sounds like too much effort, I will be posting them page by page through social media, so you can see them there if you so wish. More info to come soon.
On a sightly different note, entries into my journal have been sparse at best this week. I'm still finding my feet I guess. I wanted to use it as a visual diary for all the subtle and odd things I see in the day, but I'm feeling like it should be more introverted and challenging. A reflection of my inner thoughts and feelings instead. We'll see.
Anyway, many more things going on besides the fore-mentioned, but I feel the need to keep somethings close to my chest 'till they're more finished.
But before I go, my track 'King Skirmish' turned a year old the other day. Time certain can and does fly. At the time it was the best thing I'd ever done, and in a lot of respects I still feel that way about it. I don't usually share my stuff more than once, but here it is again, incase if you missed it first time around:
Happy thoughts,
- The Wormling