
Sunday, 27 September 2015

Sunday Post

You'd think that I was toilet obsessed, what with track titles like 'Poop' and 'Glory Hole' to my name. Oh well, I guess tomorrow's release completes the trilogy... 

Sound-wise, 'Baby Fudge' is certainly a departure from my usual hacked-up beats 'n' shit style. For starters, it's more human sounding thanks to the cymbal tickling powerhouse that is MidiPunk. Mirror that with pretzels malone's rich and creative vocal, and you've got something that's acres away from anything that I've been associated with before.

'Baby Fudge (feat. Pretzels Malone & MidiPunk)' is out tomorrow via SoundCloud...

In other music news, a week or so ago I set up yet another SoundCloud music page! You'd think three would be enough for anyone, but no.

Anyway, because I have so many unfinished tracks kicking about, I thought it'd be a novel idea to throw them out for open collaboration. Kinda like my 'Audio Bin', but inverted. It's something that I've toyed with for some time, and seeing how well The Couch King's 'Buttermilk Biscuits' free-for-all went, only encouraged me to give it a go myself. 

The first track on the 'Wou-Wou Open Collab' page will be uploaded on 05/10/15, and will contain a master track along with all the stems that make it up. From then tracks will be uploaded every first Monday of the month... or that's the plan anyway.

I've also penned a loose date for my 'Sound Collage' to be released: 30/11/15. If you haven't joined in already, or you have no idea about what that is, check it out here and send me your replies before 31/10/15 to be part of it. 

More abstract inks, cereal-box poems and oddball doodles throughout next week. 

Happy thoughts, 

- The Wormling

Monday, 21 September 2015


The new 'Audio Bin' track, 'Cannonball', is out now!

Thanks to The Couch King, Jonathan Beckenstein and Language of Shapes for their audio contributions, and to Lizzie Badger for her artwork.

- The Wormling

Sunday, 20 September 2015

Sunday Post

The fourth track from my 'Audio Bin' side-project, Cannonball', is coming out tomorrow, and features only the audio kindly donated by The Couch King, Jonathan Beckenstein and Language of Shapes. On artwork duties this time around is resin totin' Lizzie Badger, with her intriguing and vibrant work. Be sure to check out what she's up to, along with taking time out to enjoy music from the aforementioned.

In other music news, earlier this week crankyfox released 'Back To Nature', a track which we started working on about half a year ago. It's definitely a mixed-bag of styles and sounds, to which I supplied guitar, bass and a few other elements. The rest is pure cranky, with hard hitting production and plenty of left-turns. It's a buffet for the ears for sure.

Lastly, along with the zines, sound collage and the various other things that I've been working on (chill out, it's all coming), I've started writing again. It's manifested from the numbness that I've been feeling toward drawing of late, and a longing to stretch myself a little further. It's already started to filter into the zines and will no doubt begin filtering into the other things I do to. Maybe even songs... (but like I always say) we'll see. Regardless, the odd bit of word play will certainly be coming next week and indefinitely from there. 

Happy thoughts, 

- The Wormling

Monday, 7 September 2015

Sunday, 6 September 2015

Sunday Post

With summer well and truly dwindling, it maybe seems a little late to be releasing a track called 'Summer's Too Hot'... but what the hey, like it really matters anyway. Especially when Robot Richard's back on track with his signature vocal. 

I was intending it to be a two/three parter, with a remix tonic and a separate track 'Hot Tub', but time has escaped me yet again. I'm not in the habit of rushing something out because the season suits. All in good time and all that.  

Anyway, 'Summer's Too Hot (feat. Robot Richard)' is out on SoundCloud from tomorrow. 

In other news, the zines that I've been loosely working on for the last month or so are very slowly, but very surly coming together. I now have two or three finished, albeit in a very hap-dash manner. I'll start rolling them out in a few weeks, mainly because I'd just like to get a few in the bag before I start reeling them out. All zines will be upload here in PDF form and will be free to download, print and fold up yourself. But if that sounds like too much effort, I will be posting them page by page through social media, so you can see them there if you so wish. More info to come soon. 

On a sightly different note, entries into my journal have been sparse at best this week. I'm still finding my feet I guess. I wanted to use it as a visual diary for all the subtle and odd things I see in the day, but I'm feeling like it should be more introverted and challenging. A reflection of my inner thoughts and feelings instead. We'll see.

Anyway, many more things going on besides the fore-mentioned, but I feel the need to keep somethings close to my chest 'till they're more finished. 

But before I go, my track 'King Skirmish' turned a year old the other day. Time certain can and does fly. At the time it was the best thing I'd ever done, and in a lot of respects I still feel that way about it. I don't usually share my stuff more than once, but here it is again, incase if you missed it first time around:

Happy thoughts, 

- The Wormling