Everyone deserves a second chance, so why should be any different for audio? So much so that I'm setting up a collaborative project with a difference, 'The Audio Bin'. Inspired by Michael Landy's 'Art Bin', I'm wanting to give a second life to the sound recordings that you deemed not quite good enough. Those alternative takes that got thrown on the cutting room floor. The riff that never blossomed into a fully fledged song. The demo that got left behind after the studio recording was mastered.
I know, I'm going out on a limb here. It's a big ask asking for something that you're proud of, but asking for the things you're not... But wait, there's something I find very romantic about making something out of broken parts. It's the imperfections that we all react to, especially when it comes to music, so why not make music this way?
I also find the idea of recordings by different people, from different backgrounds, on different equipment, in different time-zones, all meeting together on a massive musical collage exciting.
So this is my pledge. Dig your undesirable audio snippets and stems out of the trash and we'll make something new and provoking out of it, together.
Singers and vocalists: I want your off-cuts, your overdubs, vocal warm-ups, unfinished refrains, whaling, scatting, beat-boxing, humming... Christ even just you reading out your shopping list! I want it all, no matter how off-key, no matter how horse. Egos at the door, we're all friends here, so gimme, gimme, gimme!
Drummers and percussionists: I want your bruised and battered beats, no matter how out-of-time or rhythmically offensive, fill me up!
Instrumentalists: I want your dodgy chord progressions, riffs, solos, noodles... even just you practising scales on an out tune nylon string guitar... anything at all.
Why stop at musical instruments? Why not throw some ambient sounds in there. Everything is, and can be an instrument these days. Your buzzing fridge, the traffic from your office window, the sound of your neighbours doing the nasty... well, maybe not the last one.
This is, and always will be a fun, none profit venture. And everyone who offers up their off-cuts will be name-checked and in the loop of the creative process. It is a collaborative project after all.
If you're in you can send your audio, no matter what quality, to either the new 'The Audio Bin' SoundCloud page, via email wouwouandthewormling@gmail.com, or through my Dropbox if you've plenty to send.
So what do you say, lets make music together.
Happy thoughts,
- The Wormling
this really is a fantastic idea :)