
Sunday, 17 May 2015

Sunday Post

I'd like to begin with Wednesday, and the naming of my first 'Audio Bin' track. I had a fair few suggestions, but in the end the hat decides and the first one out was (*drumroll*)... 'Karnak,' as suggested by The Sporz. Big fat massive thanks to him, and to everyone that joined in...

The track itself is a simple collage, crafted using only the audio kindly given to me. A real mixed bag of sounds and textures, which I reversed, chopped up, oscillated and looped the hell out of. Sounds horrific, but hopefully the end result pleases, even soothes. 

'Karnak' will be released tomorrow, featuring audio donated by But I prefer Romina PowerThe Couch King, Jonathan Beckenstein, Language of Shapes, pretzels malone, Storm the Palace and Weighty Tree, with artwork by one of my favourite artists, Emma Parker.

'Karnak' isn't all on the horizon, as next week marks the first anniversary of 'Wou-Wou & The Wormling', a project that I set up to push myself into uneasy creative ground. Have I done that? Well maybe not as much as I'd originally set out to, but my work with chance certainly forced me into a few corners, as did my synesthesia paintings, continuous line drawing and the aforementioned 'Audio Bin' experiments. But overall it's been a balanced year. One of challenges and comfort. A space to just doodle and make music without wacky agendas. A byproduct of pushing myself to do something little unusual maybe? All I know is that I'm overwhelmed by the response that I've received in my first year acting as 'Wou...'.

So over next week I'm going to be doing a few special little things to say thanks. Thanks for all the support, positivity and good vibes. I didn't expect anything like it, 'Wou...' would be here without it, it's my therapy, but it's made so much better for all the love. It's made me dig a little deeper at times, given me new creative opportunities, but mostly, I've gained friends from it!

This extended thanks include's a special 52 track 'Wou-Wou Repost' retrospect of my favourite SoundCloud ditties from my first year under 'Wou...'. But I'll also be giving away various freebies, updating the society6 page with new prints and t-shirt designs, and sharing some of my favourite artists/blogs/tweeters/good-eggs throughout the coming weeks. 

I aim to start work on some new creative experiments, paintings and other artsy techniques over the next week too. Things have grown a little stale for me again. Seems I can't stick at one thing longer than a month or so. Plus there's more music on its way, including a 'Jazz-Trap' track collaboration with the one and only Robot Richard. Whom, coincidentally released a track using my 'King Skirmish' beat stem from this months 'Stems' pack. His track 'Tyrant Skirmish' and MidiPunk's wonderful drum addition on 'Make It Pretty' are below for your enjoyment. 

Happy Thoughts,

- The Wormling

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