
Wednesday, 29 July 2015

Sound Collage

I was recently inspired by 'The Dreams', a series of atmospheric sound collages by Delia Derbyshire. Listening to it made me want to do something similar, just with the emphasise more on fun than on bleak. But to pull it off I'm going to need some help, so...

Below are three pretty run-of-the-mill questions that I'd love you to record yourself answering. Be as uncreative or creative with it as you wish. I'm not asking for honest answers per-say, just a recording that I can chop up and turn into something new. Anything goes. 

It really doesn't matter how you record it either, as long as you're in a quiet spot, your phone will do. 

Lastly, please don't pre-write what you're going to say. I'm after warts and all, so just go for it, you can't go wrong. 

When you're ready:

1. Describe your perfect day
2. Describe your favourite meal
3. Tell me a joke

When you're done, please send your recorded reply off to:

I'll do my darnedest to use at least a segment of everything that I'm sent. If you want to join in but don't want to be credited, please let me know and I'll keep your name off the list. And there's no deadline as of yet, but that will change once I start playing around with the audio I'm sent... but I'll keep you in the loop. 

Thanks for your time, 

- The Wormling

Monday, 27 July 2015

Sunday, 26 July 2015

Sunday Post

Many months ago I received a lovely little message from singer-songwriter Anne_Lee, asking me whether I could throw a fresh pair of eyes over a short vocal that she was struggling to elaborate on. I was flattered, I always am when people ask me to do stuff with/for them. Especially Anne, she's one of those voices that makes your hair stand on end. I felt honoured...

Many months later and 'This Is How' is finally ready for the wider-world... I don't know exactly what Anne was expecting this song to sound like, I know that I certainly didn't go out of my way to make it sound the way it does, I prefer it when things come about naturally. I do know whole lot of care and love went into it though.

Anyway, before I go I feel that it's kinda 'Wou-Wou...' tradition to share one of my favourite tracks by those whom I collaborate with, so here goes... genießen!

'This Is How (feat. Anne_Lee)' is out tomorrow.

Happy thoughts, 

- The Wormling

Monday, 20 July 2015

Pop Waste

'Pop Waste', the latest 'Audio Bin' release, is out now!

Thanks again to The Couch King, pretzels malone and Spicy Invalid for donating to this project, and special thanks to Stitch Therapy for supplying the artwork.

If you've got any audio off-cuts, musical or otherwise, please do throw them in my direction... but if you haven't, just enjoy.

Happy thoughts, 

- The Wormling

Sunday, 19 July 2015

Sunday Post

'Pop Waste', the second track to be released via my 'Audio Bin' side-project, will finally be making it's way over to SoundCloud tomorrow. All 58 seconds of it was made possible by audio donations from The Couch King, pretzels malone and Spicy Invalid; with artwork supplied by the wonderful Emma Parker (Stitch Therapy). So a big thanks to them for their generosity and creativity. 

That's not the only news though. The recent creative flurry that I mentioned a few weeks ago has now left me with over 70 demos, a small portion of which nearing completion. There's also a couple of new Robot Richard tracks, and a Anne_Lee collaboration surfacing over the next few weeks. Put that next to the various arty projects that I've been balancing, and you're going to see a whole lotta 'Wou' over the next month or so... hopefully you won't get too sick me, ay. 

Happy thoughts,

- The Wormling

Sunday, 12 July 2015

Sunday Post

It's called 'Poop' and it's out tomorrow...

Happy thoughts,

- The Wormling

Sunday, 5 July 2015

Sunday Post

It's been a few weeks, I know. Recent shifts in my home life meant taking a creative breather, but it's feeling about right to start up again, so here goes, ready or not. Truth be told, I've probably been a little more creative than usual. In my sort break I've recording over 50 new demos, doodled, painted and even started on the collages that I promised myself I'd get around to many months ago. 

Course, there were a few things that were put to one side last month due to my online absence. The second 'Audio Bin' track was shelved along with a special collaboration track with Anne_Lee. Both will be released throughout the month, along with 'Stems IV' which is out tomorrow and features selections from '0302: Apologetic Screw', 'Dirty Bomb' and 'The Hopeless Aurelian'.

Work has also begun on the third 'MUSIC BY CHANCE [EP]', and I'm even pursuing a new theme for my future creative experiments in the form of either limits/restrictions or my own take on automatic writing... but I'm getting ahead of myself (I always get ahead of myself). 

Finally, many weeks ago The Couch King made me an administrator over on the wonderful 'Plastic Inevitable' facebook page, but so far I haven't had the time to post or share any music over there. Hopefully that'll change come next week, but for now, check it out and "like". There's acres of great handpicked tracks over there, so it won't disappoint. And while you're around hop over to the 'slezterprecords - Kids Club' and the Alternative Groovebox on SoundCloud. Two fantastic groups, bursting with great and colourful music, which I also happen to be loosely associated.

Happy thoughts, 

- The Wormling