I was recently inspired by 'The Dreams', a series of atmospheric sound collages by Delia Derbyshire. Listening to it made me want to do something similar, just with the emphasise more on fun than on bleak. But to pull it off I'm going to need some help, so...
Below are three pretty run-of-the-mill questions that I'd love you to record yourself answering. Be as uncreative or creative with it as you wish. I'm not asking for honest answers per-say, just a recording that I can chop up and turn into something new. Anything goes.
It really doesn't matter how you record it either, as long as you're in a quiet spot, your phone will do.
Lastly, please don't pre-write what you're going to say. I'm after warts and all, so just go for it, you can't go wrong.
When you're ready:
1. Describe your perfect day
2. Describe your favourite meal
3. Tell me a joke
When you're done, please send your recorded reply off to: wouwouandthewormling@gmail.com
I'll do my darnedest to use at least a segment of everything that I'm sent. If you want to join in but don't want to be credited, please let me know and I'll keep your name off the list. And there's no deadline as of yet, but that will change once I start playing around with the audio I'm sent... but I'll keep you in the loop.
Thanks for your time,
- The Wormling
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