
Sunday, 2 October 2016

Sunday Post

The next track to dock over on 'Wou-Wou Open Collab' is my intergalactic bit-nugget, 'Spaceship'. A track originally set to accompany many videogame-esque instrumentals on a short album that never came to be, 'Spaceship', and the project to which it was attached, once again fall victim to dwindling enthusiasm and lack of direction.

That isn't to say the track hasn't potential to grow in the hands of a talented soul or two. As long as slightly stylised 16-bit sci-fi disco pop is your thing, you'll have plenty to pick and pinch from it.

'Spaceship' and it's semi-isolated stems will be freely available from SoundCloud, tomorrow.

Next week I hope to get a little more involved with toys old and new, as I attempt to finish off a number of longstanding projects before the year's end. These include several tracks based around other artists open collab tracks (most notably Andreas Bruning's '100loops' side venture), an ambient EP due out later this year, along with a few remixes and new collaborations. 

I'm hoping to dive into other aspects of art making too, as the humble pencil is growing a little tedious. Clay, colour and printing are all calling out to me, but with nothing started or particularly planned I'm not sure where I'll end up. Whatever happens (or doesn't) will be documented and shared in the usual places. 

I'll also be returning back to selling my original drawings on social media, due to it being the cheapest and easiest way to do it. So if you'd like to own one of my odd doodles you'll once again have chance to in the coming weeks. 

Happy thoughts, 

- The Wormling

Sunday, 18 September 2016

Sunday Post

Growing up in the mid to late nineties, I'm more than familiar with remixes. And just as most summer blockbusters ended on a tenuous rap ('Addams Family Whoomp', anyone?), most every single came with a lazy club-mix attached.

Course, my thoughts on remixes cannot be summed up in one flippant remark. I love remixes and remixing. You only have to listen to Jacques Greene's take on Radiohead's, 'Lotus Flower', Boards of Canada's retelling of Beck's, 'Broken Drum', or absolutely anything by lil' spaceman to realise there's something unusually beautiful about this distractive act.

Tomorrow I will be releasing my version of The Inconsistent Jukebox's genre-hopping masterpiece, 'Bold Ego Fledgling (Baby's Got It All Planned)'. And even though it'd be pretty foolish to compare it to any of the above, it still feels like a small victory for me.

Anyway, why not enjoy the Snaithilicious guitars in their untainted glory below, then the plethora of other remixes here.

Happy thoughts,

- The Wormling

Sunday, 4 September 2016

Sunday Post

To tell you the truth, I wasn't planning to put a new, 'Wou-Wou Open Collab', track out 'till next month, but it seems silly to sit on something when it's ready to go. Plus, this particular side-project is a year old... or at least the idea behind it is - 'Faux Fur' didn't come out 'till early October 2015. 

Anyway, it's pointless to get tangled in such silly things (it only feeds my more anal traits anyhow). Basically, a second wave of tracks are ready and waiting, so now seemed like a good time to wrap-up the old to bring the new. And to honour the said "old", I have compiled a playlist of everything released during that first year(ish) in 'Wou-Wou Open Collab - Vol. I'

So what of the new? Well, 'Here/There', is one track that I've slowly lost enthusiasm for. Not because I think it's bad, it just never felt finished. This of course makes it the perfect candidate for open collaboration. And, there'll be plenty to go at, with grouped beat, string and bass/guitar stems available for torment. 

'Here/There', will released and freely downloadable from SoundCloud tomorrow.

As mentioned in last week's 'Sunday Post', my society6 and Big Cartel pages are now up and running. This is so I can shift selling my wares (and stop looking like a big stinky sellout) on social media to somewhere more specialist, permanent with ultimately more options. This'll also help claim my FacebookInstagram and Twitter back for sharing artwork that isn't necessarily intended for sale.

Updates on new products and artwork will come weekly, starting this coming Saturday. 

Happy thoughts, 

- The Wormling

Sunday, 28 August 2016

Sunday Post

As August comes to a close so must my half-hearted summer hiatus. Which, as mentioned in my last post, has been less about relaxing and more about devoting a little more time to some long-standing projects. 

One of these projects was my reimagining of Anne_Lee's, 'Un Viaje'. A beautifully intimate and tender rendition of a Spanish poem written by Anne's friend, Nono. Anne came to me with a new recording. A striped down duet in a similar vein to her original. Not wanting to repeat herself, she requested that I use my usual sounds, instruments and effects to create something new. 

Not speaking a word of Spanish meant I was solely working from the mood and tones in Anne's performance. So, I did my best to compliment (and in some cases contrast) the material in hand. When I finally got 'round to reading the translated lyrics, I was surprised to find that "un viaje" means "a journey". A title fitting of a piece that musically meanders in and out of styles and temperament.

'Un Viaje', will be released tomorrow via SoundCloud.

With this being my first proper post in a while, I thought now would be a best time to play catch-up and share the three tracks that came out during the summer.

Firstly, a song from Froxie's collaborative roof dub EP, 'DEM NO GOOD', which I was lucky enough to appear on. Not only is Froxie's sense of groove and impeccable mixing skills apparent here, but it also includes my 'Wou-Wou' vocal debut.

The EP (which I thoroughly recommend) is available here, and features the talents of MOAG, Sofia DeVille, Senfsuck, An Di Yi, Cranky Fox and The Couch King

Speaking of The Couch King, our track, 'Dedication To The Hypocrites' came out last weekend. Not only it is a dream come true to be on the same track as Couch, pretzels malone and Jam York, but it's also pretty nice to have been able to put an old bassline to good use. It's a warm and positive song that feels perfectly apt to end the summer on. 

The last track in this trio is also warm and positive, but musically couldn't be further from either of the above. Janine and the Problem's, 'Baby, I'm In Love With You', is a rock 'n' pop song that I helped finish off. It was a real treat to play along to. A real feast for the ears, with so many great sounds and polyphonic melodies. Sure, my part in this is minimal, but I'm proud to be in here. 

Before I go, I'd like to mention that new artwork is on the way, along with new prints and old originals being available from Society6 and Big Cartel. More info next Sunday.

Happy thoughts, 

- The Wormling

Sunday, 17 July 2016

Sunday Post

Even though I'm only halfway through my so-called "summer hiatus", I thought I'd quickly share the vast array of things that I have in store for my return. 

WIP Artwork


This is something that I have been working on since I first started 'Wou' two and a bit years ago. A collection of tracks that use a number of homemade chance methods during the writing process. These include tried and test methods like 'The Furry Gamble' (Make It Pretty) and 'Buskers' Bamboozle' (MUSIC BY CHANCE: EP 01 & 02), among new ones, using playing cards and the general public to make music... confused? All will be explained in good time. 

One of the most exciting parts of this project for me is the various artists now involved in it. Finished tracks feature the sounds and talents of Horse Enthusiast, Jonathan Beckenstein, {AN} Eel, Weighty Tree, Spicy Invalid, Ronny The Rocket, Falloon and Janine Levinson (of Janine and the Problem), to name but a handful. 

'MUSIC BY CHANCE: Vol.1' will be released in the new year.


I'm pleased to say that a new 'Audio Bin' LP is in the works, and, I'm calling out for new donations. So if you fancy being on the next LP and you've got a few unused recordings kicking around, please send them my way: anything you've got will be greatly appreciated. 

Here's a playlist of everyone involved with the project so far:


The 'Wou-Wou Open Collab' project will be a year old in September, and to celebrate I will be compiling a playlist (surprise, surprise) for every track under this umbrella. The next new 'collab' track will be out in October. 


I started working on this song with Couch King last September, but I'm happy to say it's sounding pretty finished now! Official release dates are not my forte, but it'll probably be the next thing released with my name attached to it, and I can't wait! It puts the "fun" in "funky" (apologies)... it also features pretzels malone and Jam York


I've reached a point where I am running out of room for all my drawings. So, I've decided everything must go! The usual things apply... first come first served, and so-on. It all begins tomorrow on instagram, twitter and facebook, where I'll be sharing a doodle daily along with a pricetag and the full T&C's... heck, I'll even be throwing out a few freebies too. 

Lastly, prints of my favourite 21 will be made available some time next month. Dates and details to come. 

But for now, happy thoughts, 

- The Wormling

Sunday, 22 May 2016

Sunday Post

Thursday saw the release of 'Rehashed', a mock DJ set centred around my own back-catalog. But why do it, and why now?

Well, it's something that I've been dabbling with since last year, but never got around to finishing anything substantial. And, as you've probably noticed, the idea of taking parts of songs and forcing them together is something that I find pretty striking. 'The Audio Bin' for example, 'Rehashed' is basically that side-project but with my own music and not donated outtakes.

It was also 'Wou's' second birthday on Thursday, so completing and releasing this remix seemed to be a nice way to look back on the years and 40 something tracks that I have managed to release during this time. 

'Rehashed' is free to stream and enjoy over on SoundCloud now: 

As mentioned in a previous post, I will be taking a break from releasing music and blogging throughout the summer so that I can concentrate on outstanding art projects and new music. Most notably my graphic novel, 'Major Gubbins', and the, 'MUSIC BY CHANCE' double LP.

Of course, I won't be disappearing completely. The 'Wou-Wou Repost' playlists will be back in June and social media updates will continue as long as I have something to share. There's also a number of collab tracks that are on the verge of release, including my vocal debut on Froxie's new EP, and a new song with Couch King (to name but two).

So until September, keep safe and happy thoughts, 

- The Wormling

Sunday, 1 May 2016

Sunday Post

Inspired in part by Manitoba's, 'Start Breaking My Heart', tomorrow's 'Wou-Wou Open Collab' track, 'The Phoney Lab', is a short slice of MIDI heavy electronica. Orderly, sterile, but hopefully not without heart. And with it being an open collaboration project the master will be available alongside isolated stems for remixing and reshaping.

'The Phoney Lab', is out tomorrow via SoundCloud. Visit previous OC tracks here.

In other news, this May marks the second year of 'Wou-Wou & The Wormling', and, in the same vein as last year I'll be assembling a 52 track playlist of my favourite reposts during 2015/2016. It's just one of a number of things that I have in mind to reflect on my short time under this alias. Including special remixes and artwork... more details to come next week. 

Lastly, towards the end of May I'll be taking a bit of time off. This three month (or so) hiatus is so I can focus on my graphic novel as well as the 'MUSIC BY CHANCE' album, both due towards the end of the year. 

However, I won't be disappearing entirely, as there's a number of collaborative projects that'll be surfacing throughout the summer, with repost playlists and other social media updates to follow suit. 

Happy thoughts, 

- The Wormling

Sunday, 10 April 2016

Sunday Post

I'm a big fan of cover tracks that deviate from the original source material. Things like Devo's take on, 'Satisfaction', and more recently on SoundCloud, Trixie Delight's version of, 'My Heart Will Go On', are perfect examples of how to do it right. And so, I hope to follow on the tradition of kooky rip-offs with tomorrow's release, an unintentional cover of Bill Withers, 'Lean On Me'. 

Unintentional? Well, it started life as a simple collaboration with Little Lone Waltz. Someone whom I've wanted to work with ever since I first came across her on Soundcloud. I provided a beat, she provided the keys. The pieces all fit beautifully together, but it still felt like it was missing something. 

So, I called on someone else who has been dying to collaborate with, Sarah Shamash. In just a few hours of sending her the rough instrumental demo, she had sent me her ideas. It was an unusual, but never-the-less stunning vocal, with the lyrics to 'Lean On Me' anchoring each note. I don't know whether she was planning to rewrite the lyrics or not, I never asked, I loved what she did and so we all decided to run with it. 

Anyway, 'Lean (feat. Sarah Shamash & Little Lone Waltz)', will be available to stream from SoundCloud, tomorrow. 

It's become apparent to me that I have featured on many tracks that I have failed to post on social media. These are either things that I have worked on with other artists, or 'Wou-Wou Open Collab' tracks. Now, I know it's not a big deal, but people go to a lot of time and effort to make this music, it's only right that I do my best to promote their hard work, right. So starting Thursday I'm going to post one of these tracks every week. I'll pick them out at random, and if I run out, I guess I'll just start from the beginning again.

Also, I know I'm jumping the gun a little, but come October they'll be a special 'Wou-Wou Open Collab' playlist to mark the first year of the project. Course, if you're interested to hear some of this stuff now, click (here).

Lastly, work on my long term 'MUSIC BY CHANCE' project has finally started up again. Due to the massive quantity of music to produce for it (over 40 tracks), I've shifted once again to a collaborative approach. It's unlikely that much of anything will surface until the backend of the year, but there are a few things already in the bag from Ronny The Rocket, Sensfuck and Jonathan Beckenstein... in fact, Jonathan has shared his contribution to the project on SoundCloud for all to hear. It's certainly an exquisite piece, and serves as an excellent teaser of things to come.

Happy thoughts, 

- The Wormling

Sunday, 3 April 2016

Sunday Post

Space, subtly and softness seem to be common themes in my music uploads lately, and tomorrow's 'Wou-Wou Open Collab' track follows a similar route. 

Recorded around the same time as 'Sassafras', 'Open Plan Love Story' is one of my first loop pedal doodles. It's a demo that I've being adding to since that first session, but like most of these open collab tracks, it's something that I never planned to be released from my hard-drive until now.

Anyway, 'Open Plan Love Story', will be uploaded complete with grouped beat, guitar and keyboard stems, all of which will be available to download for free from SoundCloud tomorrow.

On a separate note, I'll hopefully get round to a spot of doodling and/or painting this week. It's been a while, so I'm hungry for it.

Work and pleasure don't always see eye-to-eye, but now the clocks have changed, the sun is out and I've shook off the illnesses that plagued March, I'm feeling positive that another creative spurt is just around the corner. 

Step lively,

- The Wormling

Sunday, 27 March 2016

Sunday Post

Tomorrow's release, 'The Road', is a bit of a relic for me. The guitar part to which the rest of the track is built could easily be 10 years old. And although it has been recorded and rerecorded more than I can recall, it took a minimal approach and the soothing vocal talents of Cam-O the Chameleon and Blue Room Green to make it feel like a finished and enjoyable song. I seriously cannot thank them enough for pumping life back into it, and for helping me create something a little different from my usual beat-driven stuff. 

And so, 'The Road (feat. Cam-O the Chameleon & Blue Room Green)' will be available to stream in all of its mellow glory from SoundCloud, tomorrow evening (GMT). 

And before I go, I'd like to share the latest in a short stream of music that I've worked on with Wizardshoes. It's was a longtime in the works, so I'm pleased that it's finally out there. Enjoy! 

Happy thoughts, 

- The Wormling

Sunday, 6 March 2016

Sunday Post

If messy and clichéd guitar solos are your thing, you'll probably enjoy tomorrow's 'Wou-Wou Open Collab' track, 'The Bum Note Blues'. A short instrumental mess around that was never meant to be anything more... it was certainly never intended to be released.

The whole track was built up from a MidiPunk beat that I looped and effected. All the other elements are me in half-cocked bluely mode, with each track being a one-take improv, warts-and-all affair. So needless to say, there's bum notes galore.

Nevertheless, the track and it's stems will be made available from SoundCloud from tomorrow... do with it as you will.

Happy thoughts,

- The Wormling

Sunday, 28 February 2016

Sunday Post

I'm overwhelmed with the generosity that I've received towards my side-project, 'The Audio Bin'. I have to admit, I had my reservations when I first proposed it last February. I knew that there'd be a goldmine of unused audio and unfinished songs out there, but finding anyone who'd be willing to donate any of it to me I imagined to be highly unlikely. I mean, who really likes to share their shortcomings? 

But thanks to SoundCloud's supportive and open-minded community, my fellow music makers offered up their out-takes in spades, and so, made 'The Audio Bin' possible.

In honour of those artists, tomorrow I release the self-titled 'The Audio Bin' album. Complete with new tracks, guest remixes and a booklet containing full credits, and of course the fine artwork of Eleanor Adair, Emma Parker and Lizzie Badger, who dressed this years tracks so well. 

All of the above will be freely available on Bandcamp, with all existing 'Audio Bin' tracks on SoundCloud being made fully downloadable too. 

Lastly, it was a goal of mine to create and upload a zine every month, but as you can see, there isn't one here. The current balance between my music and art isn't, well, balanced. So I'm moving to a seasonal zine release until things level out a bit.

The same goes for the Esty shop and postcards, there's just not enough time in the day lately. But things move in cycles, and eventually things will settle in favour of doodling and painting again.

Happy thoughts, 

- The Wormling 

Sunday, 21 February 2016

Sunday Post

Tomorrow's upload, 'War', will be the last lone 'Audio Bin' release before the album drops in a week's time. Funnily enough, it was the first track that I did for this side-project, but it never felt quite ready to share, and it wasn't until more donations came through that I felt I had the material to truly call it "done". 

Collectively those donations came from Couch King, joerxworx, Language of Shapes, pretzels malone, Robot Richard, Russell Sinfield, Storm the Palace, The Weighty Tree, wizardshoes and zeroplusplacebo, and once again, the talented Eleanor Adair is on track art duties.

And so, 'War', will be fully streamable from 'The Audio Bin' SoundCloud, and freely downloadable from next Monday (29/02/2016) when the self-titled album hits Bandcamp and SoundCloud.

More doodles to come throughout the week, and I might even get round to sorting that damn Etsy shop out! 

Don't get me started on this month's zine either... all in good time my friends, all in good time. 

Happy thoughts, 

- The Wormling

Sunday, 14 February 2016

Sunday Post

Like most my recent 'Wou-Wou' releases, my take on Unhealthy Attachment's, 'The Forest', has been in the works for quite a while now. And I know that could be taken as if it was a hardship to work on, like it was tricky to mold into something different... but it couldn't be further from the truth. 

The main body of the track come very easily; the chords just fell to my fingers. The sounds that I tend to fall back on fit together well with the quality and tenderness of the vocals. I guess it just needed to sit for a while for me to appreciate it properly, because I was going to record and fit-in-the-mix, I left. Blemishes and all. 

Anyway, I'm pleased to say that 'The Forest (Wou-Wou Remix)', will be out on SoundCloud from tomorrow...

... but while you wait, here's the original song: 

Lastly, the long promised 'Wou-Wou' Esty shop will make an appearance later on in the week alongside the usual arty stuff. More details to come.

Happy thoughts, 

- The Wormling

Sunday, 7 February 2016

Sunday Post

As I mentioned in previous posts, at the end of the month I will be releasing 'The Audio Bin [LP]'. It will mark the one year anniversary of my ongoing side-project, and will feature a number of guest remixes alongside old and new original tracks. 

In the meantime the, 'Estranged', single will bridge the gap between now and the LP. This double release will include the title track 'Estranged' and b-side, 'Diggin'', and will also be available to stream/download from tomorrow.  

Also, I'm exited to say that figurative artist, Eleanor Adair, has donated her inspiring and unique artwork to the project! Do check out her work, and everyone mentioned above (links in orange). 

Art-wise, the usual mixed bag of paintings, doodles and graphic novel developments to come throughout next week.

Happy thoughts, 

- The Wormling

Sunday, 31 January 2016

Sunday Post

For February's 'Wou-Wou Open Collab' release I will be offering up, 'Maroon', an odd little demo made from hip-hop style drum patterns and a wayward mellotron progression. Much like 'Out///In', I had huge plans for it when I first started the project, but I soon ran out of ideas and enthusiasm. Meaning, it's ripe for someone else to rejig. 

If you feel up to it, 'Maroon', and all of its stems will be available to download from the 'Wou-Wou Open Collab' SoundCloud page from tomorrow. 

Now then, after months and months of teasing a zine, I've finally pulled my finger out and made one! And the best thing is, it's totally free for you to download and make up yourself. Course, if you're feeling a little lazy to that idea, I will be posting it page by page throughout next week on social media, so you can enjoy it that way too.

Anyway, what with Valentine's Day around the corner and it being my first official 'Wou-Wou' zine, I thought it'd be apt to have it revolve around the theme of first dates, especially blind dates. A concept that seems utterly terrifying to me - a shy, hermit-like creature... never-the-less, I hope you find it amusing.

To get your downloadable PDF copy of 'Blind Date', click here. Details on how to assemble it can be found all over the web, but feel free to get in touch if you're unsure. 

Happy thoughts, 

- The Wormling

Sunday, 24 January 2016

Sunday Post

Last month I hinted that my remix of New Biboujin's track 'Son of Alexei' was ripe for release. Then, as with most things I hint at, it never happened. But after wrestling with it some more, it's now ready... or as ready as it'll ever be. 

Truth is, I struggled with this one a bit. Not because I was low on ideas, but because I was adrift on so many. The vocal stems in particular led me down so many avenues that at one point the running-time for this track was well over ten minutes. And it's not that I've a problem with long songs, but it sounded disjointed, messy, without direction. I re-started again and again. And even though I have managed to nip and tuck, here and there, it still sounds a like a collection of ideas and not a linear piece of music to me. 

But maybe that's what gives it charm, because regardless of its flaws, I can't help but like it. If it'd been anything else, I probably would've quite trying to make it work and moved on to something else... but it just kept calling me back.

All the same, 'Son of Alexei (Wou-Wou Remix)' will be streamable via SoundCloud tomorrow.

While I'm floating on the subject of "hints", this week I hinted that the first 'Wou-Wou' zine would be available at the end of the month. And, much like, 'Son of Alexei', I've been hinting and toying around with zines since last summer. And yet again, it's been the wealth of ideas in-which to fill them that has set me back. I've now a number of concepts and stories outlined in my notebook, but where to begin? 

Well, to answer that, I'm afraid you'll have to wait until Friday, as I'm still deciding myself! But whatever it is, there will be a free PDF of it! So if you wish, you can download that and print it off yourself.

Lastly, there will be a postcard giveaway on Wednesday as promised! Details to which will surface midweek.

Happy thoughts, 

- The Wormling

Sunday, 17 January 2016

Sunday Post

What do you think of sequels? I think it's pretty commonly excepted that, generally speaking, they never live up to the hype. They're either too similar or too detached from the origin story. Not to mention, most of them only exist to make a quick buck off of the success of what came before... but there's always exceptions. And as far as "the few" are concerned, they need to "be" in order to continue an ongoing story, to evolve concepts and reach an ultimate resolve. 

Can this be said of my next release, 'Strung II'? Well, hopefully. Ang Kerfoot had a strong vision for where she wanted to take this track lyrically. And even though it sounds are pretty different from the first 'Strung', it does feel like a continuation. A bridge to springboard a third part? Certainly! But if nothing else, it's an enjoyable slice of left-field electronica... or at least I think so. 

'Strung II (feat. Ang Kerfoot)', is out tomorrow via SoundCloud.

My other news this week, is that there is no news!

Last week I said there'd be a 'Wou-Wou' shop, and zines, and so-on, and so-on... but the truth is, time has escaped me a little. Cold temperatures and the lethargy comes with them is mainly to blame. Course, this won't the case forever, and in-time I'll pull it out of the proverbial bag. And when I do, I'll be sure to let you know. 

Happy thoughts, 

- The Wormling

Sunday, 10 January 2016

Sunday Post

Tomorrow's release, 'My Broken Heart (feat. Wizardshoes)', is the first in a whole host of collaborations left outstanding from last year, which, I aim to put out over the next few months. These include tracks with Couch King, Ang Kerfoot, Little Lone Waltz, Unhealthy Attachment, Wooden Friends... to name but a few.

'My Broken Heart', is also the first in a small collection of tracks that myself and Wizardshoes have been working on together. This track in particular was a nice change of pace for me. For starters, it has three defined acts, as most of my tracks rarely have more than one. Plus, it was nice to get my hands on some of Wizardshoes wayward sounds and beats. Meaning, I took a very compliantly approach to this track, leaving most of the music as it was and embellishing where I could. 

Anyway, 'My Broken Heart (feat. Wizardshoes)', will available to stream on SoundCloud from tomorrow. 

In other news, work on my graphic novel, 'Major Gubbins', has reached the storyboard stages and my first zine could be ready for next week! An online 'Wou-Wou & The Wormling' store might be popping up very soon too. Details on all of those to come. 

Happy thoughts, 

- The Wormling

Sunday, 3 January 2016

Sunday Post

What was originally intended to be a larger atmospheric piece, the next 'Wou-Wou Open Collab' release, 'Cyborg Lung', is certainly a shift in mood when compared to the other tracks occupying the page. Eerie, strung out, and with a death march rhythm to boot... I hope they'll be plenty in it to pillage and enjoy.

'Cyborg Lung', along with all of its stems, will be free to download from SoundCloud tomorrow.

Something that won't be as free (but will still be very cheap), are my new postcard portraits. 

Each little original will cost the grand total of £2.50 - P&P included. All being well, I'll be trialling it out from tomorrow, and depending on how they are received I will continue to do it most days throughout the year. 

Of course, being a big fan of free stuff (who isn't), I have also decided that every last Wednesday of the month I will give-away one of these doodles to whoever wants it, a-la 'The Wou-Wou & The Wormling Wednesday Give-Away'

Lastly, I released my album 'Origin of Memory' (full 21 track version here) and '2015' playlist last week. Seems only right to post them while I'm here, so here they are... enjoy: 

Happy thoughts, 

- The Wormling