
Sunday, 10 January 2016

Sunday Post

Tomorrow's release, 'My Broken Heart (feat. Wizardshoes)', is the first in a whole host of collaborations left outstanding from last year, which, I aim to put out over the next few months. These include tracks with Couch King, Ang Kerfoot, Little Lone Waltz, Unhealthy Attachment, Wooden Friends... to name but a few.

'My Broken Heart', is also the first in a small collection of tracks that myself and Wizardshoes have been working on together. This track in particular was a nice change of pace for me. For starters, it has three defined acts, as most of my tracks rarely have more than one. Plus, it was nice to get my hands on some of Wizardshoes wayward sounds and beats. Meaning, I took a very compliantly approach to this track, leaving most of the music as it was and embellishing where I could. 

Anyway, 'My Broken Heart (feat. Wizardshoes)', will available to stream on SoundCloud from tomorrow. 

In other news, work on my graphic novel, 'Major Gubbins', has reached the storyboard stages and my first zine could be ready for next week! An online 'Wou-Wou & The Wormling' store might be popping up very soon too. Details on all of those to come. 

Happy thoughts, 

- The Wormling


  1. Great stuff. Will keep eyes peeled for the novel progress.
    (Ground control to) Major Gubbins.

  2. My name is susan, i was marred for the past 4years not problem between
    me and my husband, this years unfortunately my husband suddenly change
    against me, he does not longer gives me any attention, i was so upset
    cause i have never seen my husband in this mood before, so i try all i can
    to get him back, no way, i said i can not stand and be looking at another
    woman like me taking my husband away from me cause if it was not a
    woman that is doing it my husband can not stay a minute without not
    seeing me, then i go online with a spell cast called Dr OWO ODODO, i
    explain every thing to him, he told me what is behind every thing that
    makes my husband to be avoiding me, and he also ask me if i love him
    that much i said yes then he said OK, that i will get him back through him
    and i ask how, he gave me a procedures to to work with the i do every
    thing he ask me to do, 11.00am at night after two days my phone rang
    behold it was my husband number i quickly pick up the phone and i heard
    him begging for my forgiveness that if really i forgive him for what he has
    done to me he will never in his life made a mistake like that again, then i
    have no choice than to forgive him, really as early as 6.00AM i heard
    some one knocking on my door and i ask who is that it was my husband
    voice and i open the door he quickly go down on his knee and start
    begging me for forgiveness i raise his up and hug him, ever since till now
    we have been together with more love and respect, he love me now like
    never before, if you need any type of help kindly contact Dr OWO ODODO
    Cause he is the most powerful spell caster in all over the world, his email
    address is: OWOODODOSPELLCASTER04@GMAIL.COM he is like a man
    that is been send to save the world, contact him now again on:
    OWOODODOSPELLCASTER04@GMAIL.COM or whatsapp +2349052571784

  3. How true is this or is this hog wash
