
Sunday, 31 January 2016

Sunday Post

For February's 'Wou-Wou Open Collab' release I will be offering up, 'Maroon', an odd little demo made from hip-hop style drum patterns and a wayward mellotron progression. Much like 'Out///In', I had huge plans for it when I first started the project, but I soon ran out of ideas and enthusiasm. Meaning, it's ripe for someone else to rejig. 

If you feel up to it, 'Maroon', and all of its stems will be available to download from the 'Wou-Wou Open Collab' SoundCloud page from tomorrow. 

Now then, after months and months of teasing a zine, I've finally pulled my finger out and made one! And the best thing is, it's totally free for you to download and make up yourself. Course, if you're feeling a little lazy to that idea, I will be posting it page by page throughout next week on social media, so you can enjoy it that way too.

Anyway, what with Valentine's Day around the corner and it being my first official 'Wou-Wou' zine, I thought it'd be apt to have it revolve around the theme of first dates, especially blind dates. A concept that seems utterly terrifying to me - a shy, hermit-like creature... never-the-less, I hope you find it amusing.

To get your downloadable PDF copy of 'Blind Date', click here. Details on how to assemble it can be found all over the web, but feel free to get in touch if you're unsure. 

Happy thoughts, 

- The Wormling

Sunday, 24 January 2016

Sunday Post

Last month I hinted that my remix of New Biboujin's track 'Son of Alexei' was ripe for release. Then, as with most things I hint at, it never happened. But after wrestling with it some more, it's now ready... or as ready as it'll ever be. 

Truth is, I struggled with this one a bit. Not because I was low on ideas, but because I was adrift on so many. The vocal stems in particular led me down so many avenues that at one point the running-time for this track was well over ten minutes. And it's not that I've a problem with long songs, but it sounded disjointed, messy, without direction. I re-started again and again. And even though I have managed to nip and tuck, here and there, it still sounds a like a collection of ideas and not a linear piece of music to me. 

But maybe that's what gives it charm, because regardless of its flaws, I can't help but like it. If it'd been anything else, I probably would've quite trying to make it work and moved on to something else... but it just kept calling me back.

All the same, 'Son of Alexei (Wou-Wou Remix)' will be streamable via SoundCloud tomorrow.

While I'm floating on the subject of "hints", this week I hinted that the first 'Wou-Wou' zine would be available at the end of the month. And, much like, 'Son of Alexei', I've been hinting and toying around with zines since last summer. And yet again, it's been the wealth of ideas in-which to fill them that has set me back. I've now a number of concepts and stories outlined in my notebook, but where to begin? 

Well, to answer that, I'm afraid you'll have to wait until Friday, as I'm still deciding myself! But whatever it is, there will be a free PDF of it! So if you wish, you can download that and print it off yourself.

Lastly, there will be a postcard giveaway on Wednesday as promised! Details to which will surface midweek.

Happy thoughts, 

- The Wormling

Sunday, 17 January 2016

Sunday Post

What do you think of sequels? I think it's pretty commonly excepted that, generally speaking, they never live up to the hype. They're either too similar or too detached from the origin story. Not to mention, most of them only exist to make a quick buck off of the success of what came before... but there's always exceptions. And as far as "the few" are concerned, they need to "be" in order to continue an ongoing story, to evolve concepts and reach an ultimate resolve. 

Can this be said of my next release, 'Strung II'? Well, hopefully. Ang Kerfoot had a strong vision for where she wanted to take this track lyrically. And even though it sounds are pretty different from the first 'Strung', it does feel like a continuation. A bridge to springboard a third part? Certainly! But if nothing else, it's an enjoyable slice of left-field electronica... or at least I think so. 

'Strung II (feat. Ang Kerfoot)', is out tomorrow via SoundCloud.

My other news this week, is that there is no news!

Last week I said there'd be a 'Wou-Wou' shop, and zines, and so-on, and so-on... but the truth is, time has escaped me a little. Cold temperatures and the lethargy comes with them is mainly to blame. Course, this won't the case forever, and in-time I'll pull it out of the proverbial bag. And when I do, I'll be sure to let you know. 

Happy thoughts, 

- The Wormling

Sunday, 10 January 2016

Sunday Post

Tomorrow's release, 'My Broken Heart (feat. Wizardshoes)', is the first in a whole host of collaborations left outstanding from last year, which, I aim to put out over the next few months. These include tracks with Couch King, Ang Kerfoot, Little Lone Waltz, Unhealthy Attachment, Wooden Friends... to name but a few.

'My Broken Heart', is also the first in a small collection of tracks that myself and Wizardshoes have been working on together. This track in particular was a nice change of pace for me. For starters, it has three defined acts, as most of my tracks rarely have more than one. Plus, it was nice to get my hands on some of Wizardshoes wayward sounds and beats. Meaning, I took a very compliantly approach to this track, leaving most of the music as it was and embellishing where I could. 

Anyway, 'My Broken Heart (feat. Wizardshoes)', will available to stream on SoundCloud from tomorrow. 

In other news, work on my graphic novel, 'Major Gubbins', has reached the storyboard stages and my first zine could be ready for next week! An online 'Wou-Wou & The Wormling' store might be popping up very soon too. Details on all of those to come. 

Happy thoughts, 

- The Wormling

Sunday, 3 January 2016

Sunday Post

What was originally intended to be a larger atmospheric piece, the next 'Wou-Wou Open Collab' release, 'Cyborg Lung', is certainly a shift in mood when compared to the other tracks occupying the page. Eerie, strung out, and with a death march rhythm to boot... I hope they'll be plenty in it to pillage and enjoy.

'Cyborg Lung', along with all of its stems, will be free to download from SoundCloud tomorrow.

Something that won't be as free (but will still be very cheap), are my new postcard portraits. 

Each little original will cost the grand total of £2.50 - P&P included. All being well, I'll be trialling it out from tomorrow, and depending on how they are received I will continue to do it most days throughout the year. 

Of course, being a big fan of free stuff (who isn't), I have also decided that every last Wednesday of the month I will give-away one of these doodles to whoever wants it, a-la 'The Wou-Wou & The Wormling Wednesday Give-Away'

Lastly, I released my album 'Origin of Memory' (full 21 track version here) and '2015' playlist last week. Seems only right to post them while I'm here, so here they are... enjoy: 

Happy thoughts, 

- The Wormling